Cost adjustment by location

We determine your tuition fee based on your career position, funding status (especially whether you can be reimbursed or have your supervisor or company pay on your behalf), and location. Please select the menus below to see your fee. Note, once you are accepted to the course you will have the option to reduce your payment or waive the fee if necessary due to financial circumstances. We offer the waiver to all students because we know that not everyone has the funds to pay. However if you can plan to pay even part of the fee without hardship, we would ask you to please do so. Practically all of the money that we collect is used to pay the excellent TAs who will be working full time for a month to guide you through the course materials.

Fee Transparency Note: Gross regional fee adjustments are based on GDP per capita from WorldBank. Although a flawed measure that leaves out wealth inequality as a factor, it is the best available indicator we could find to make fees more equitable and accessible across countries and regions, one of the core tenets of NMA. Ability to pay the fee, or a fraction of it, does not affect the status of your application or acceptance into NMA.

Job type:
Country of residence:
Will your tuition fee be paid for or reimbursed by your employer or supervisor?
Which course are you taking?

Course tuition fee**:

* If you have issues with the website please try the Chrome browser.
** The discounted price based on your above selections is reflected in the portal through sequential discounts. If the price is not what you were expecting, select "I can't comfortably afford this price".
If you have any questions please email us